Project CellementalTM

Exploring a foundational approach

to address resistance to health restoration

Introducing Project CellementalTM

In support of your work supporting others, our initial nutraceutical product launch will be given (at no cost) to our Professional Collaborators!

To inform practices for best use, we are seeking collaborative cohorts - select practitioners, expert thought and advocacy leaders - to participate in Project Cellemental which asks:

"In conditions where chronic malaise is a defining characteristic, how might specific nutritional interventions, focused on decreasing cellular demand, improve outcomes related to recovery?"

Project Cellemental provides a free supply (10 bottles) of Cellemental Complete nutraceutical to Professional Collaborators for personal and professional use.

To receive your complementary supply, just let us know where to ship it! Complete the form here.

We would appreciate your feedback relative to Pre- and Post-Use of the nutraceutical on General Health Status and Energy Levels.

Suggested use
For general purposes consider 1-2 capsules twice a day. For restorative purposes consider 2 capsules twice a day.

Our efforts are best achieved through collaboration!


Project Cellemental Hypothesis

The rising prevalence of Long COVID has brought renewed attention to other conditions with similar defining characteristics. The list includes myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), Lyme (and co-infections), fibromyalgia, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy/traumatic brain injury (CTE/TBI) with general malaise and a resistance-to-recovery as hallmarks. Although these conditions may arise from different insults, chronic fatigue is a common presentation.

Treatments addressing fatigue (and other chronic sequelae) are varied and often include the use of supplements aimed at accelerating cellular function with targets along energy production pathways of the mitochondria. Despite this seemingly sensible approach, resolution remains elusive for many - a lingering frustration for sufferers and clinicians. As to why this approach may be missing the therapeutic mark:

  1. Might a focus on accelerating cellular function be along the lines of stimulating (versus modulating) the immune system in an autoimmune condition?
  2. Might targeted, isolated, and synthetic supplemental inputs--touted to increase energy production and taken in supra-physiologic doses--be perpetuating stress and increasing demand on recovering cells?

Pushing the cell where we want it to be could arguably be undermining aspects necessary for their recovery. As Dr. Robert Naviro’s endeavors—relative to The Cell Danger Response—have inferred, bypassing the stepwise process necessary for cellular recovery may translate into cellular resistance-to-recovery.

Additionally, what role might the lacking of foundational dietary elements—commonplace in traditional diets, but lacking today—play in resistance-to-recovery? When assessing how best to intervene, diagnostics can be informing of specifics, but to inadvertently overlook foundational insufficiencies, in pursuit of correcting a specific lab value, risks effects being transient. Whereas sufficiency of foundational bioactive compounds, supportive of homeostatic processes, favors effects being sustainable.

Project Cellemental proposes to examine the utility of select whole food based inputs, aimed at decreasing cellular demand, with the hypothesis that use would support the amelioration of resistance-to-recovery in conditions where chronic malaise is a hallmark.

Foundational nutraceutical

Cellemental Complete sets the foundation for health revival with unique bioactive elements sourced for a sustained and synergistic effect to bring balance to the body.

Whole food inputs were selected for their potential to support cellular resiliency with an emphasis on naturally occurring elements frequently missing in the modern diet.

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Synergistic bioactivity helps restore and maintain:

  • A healthy inflammatory response.
  • Modulation of immune system activity.
  • Balanced mitochondria function and energy production.
  • Cell membrane stability and signaling.
  • Gut, joint, and skin integrity.
  • Brain health supporting cognitive function.
  • Heart heath supporting cardiovascular function.
  • Body system balance and whole body homeostasis.

Unique whole foods formula

Specially selected ingredients sourced for the Cellemental Complete Blend:

  • Whole sea cucumber (C. frondosa)
  • Grassfed bovine heart and liver from New Zealand
  • Organic seabuckthorn berry, organic lingonberry, and organic blackcurrant.
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This formula is not found anywhere else. Combined components contain: bioactive vitamins, minerals, cofactors, enzymes, amino acids, peptides, phenolics (flavonoids, quercetin, catechins, rutin, coumaric acid, proanthocyanidins), collagen, sulfated polysaccharides (fucoidan, fucosylated chondroitin sulfate, glycosaminoglycans), phospholipids, and essential and unique fatty acids.*

Use guidelines

Project Cellemental explores the use of Cellemental Complete—a food based nutraceutical. Customization of use, to fit the needs of a particular individual, cohort, or protocol is encouraged and we welcome input and involvement relative to this line of inquiry.

Suggested serving size:

  • For General Purposes, 1 - 2 capsules twice per day (2 - 4 capsules total per day) with or without food.
  • For Restorative Purposes and at the participating professional’s discretion, 2 capsules twice per day (4 capsule total per day) with participants building up to suggested serving size if desired.
  • For Personal Trialing, consider up to 4 capsules per day (in divided servings) for 30 days as doing so would lend a better sense of effect.

May use as a powder added to smoothies, sauces, dips, dressing, and the like as the taste is pleasing and the capsules open easily!

Target Populations and Use Considerations:

  • Cellemental Complete nutraceutical:
    • Is a whole food nutraceutical appropriate for all ages post infancy.
    • Is a potential replacement for or complement to multivitamins, essential fatty acids, and isolated/synthetic supplements.
    • Provides bioactive components (cofactors, enzymes, peptides) commonly missing in the modern diet.
    • Increases nutrient density to fortify a poor diet/lifestyle.
    • Fills in nutritional gaps with a healthy diet/lifestyle.
    • Supports foundational health to healthy resiliency.
    • Provides foundational support of cellular sufficiency contributing to homeostasis impacting all body systems.
    • Modulates demand on cells.
  • Considerations warranting physician oversight include use with bleeding disorders, or blood thinning medications.
  • Use is contraindicated in those with seafood or shellfish allergies. Individuals with seafood or shellfish allergies should consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use.
  • As with any supplement, pregnant and nursing mothers should consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use.

We are passionate about supporting those seeking resolution for their patients and network. That is why we are dedicating our initial product launch to Project Cellemental, providing Cellemental Complete nutraceutical free of charge to our professional collaborators.

We look forward to collaborating with you!

For more information, connect with us!   


Although our outreach is mostly directed toward clinicians and experts serving this population, we are also encouraging participation for general purposes be it for personal use or use by family, colleagues, other patients, clients, group members, or followers. Know that free product is intended for Survey Participants. It is our expectation that all those receiveing free product, no matter their intended use, are doing so in exchange for their participation in both our Pre and Post Use surveys.

Yes! Cellemental Complete may also be purchased by those not wanting to participate in Project Cellemental. Availabilty of product for purchase will be posted on this site--contact us directly for more information.

Our products are manufactured in a 3rd Party Certified cGMP Facility that is FDA Registered.

Our sea cucumber is wild harvested using sustainable practices, our bovine organs are sourced from grass finished cows, and our berries are certified organic.


Contact us

If you have questions or comments please feel free to either contact us directly or complete the form below:

Phone: 1-828-487-8483

Mailing address:
151 NC HWY 9, Suite B210
Black Mountain, NC 28711

Have a question for us? Ask away!

Phone: 1-828-487-8483
Contact form

Mailing address:
Esce Life LLC (Cellementals)
105 West State Street, Suite 201
Black Mountain, NC 28711